Otherkin and the Pagan community

From AnOtherWiki, the free encyclopedia written by, for, and about the Otherkin community.
Otherkin and the Pagan community
Media type New media article
Release date October 22, 2006
Creator Lupa
Publisher The Witches' Voice
URL http://witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=uswa&c=words&id=11030

Otherkin and the Pagan community is an article about otherkin written by Lupa for the website Wikipedia:The Witches''' Voice''' Voice. It focuses on perceived intolerance towards otherkin in the pagan community, and concludes: "My goal with this article is to explain to non-Otherkin readers some of the ways that being Otherkin meshes with certain common beliefs and practices among pagans, as well as to give a basic introduction to those who may not be familiar with the Otherkin subculture."