
From AnOtherWiki, the free encyclopedia written by, for, and about the Otherkin community.
Revision as of 15:49, 1 February 2016 by Jarandhel (talk | contribs) (Changing link to point to wikifur. It makes more sense to direct readers to a wiki on this topic than to try to create an article about it here.)
Moderator(s) Azrael
Status Active
Launch date Original: January 1, 1998
July 2009
End Date Original: July 2007
Subject kintype-specific

Alfandria is a MUCK for dragons and dragon otherkin, though furries and other otherkin are also welcome. It primarily exists for role-playing and socializing. The name comes from the old Alt.Fan.Dragons Usenet group.

See also

External links