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Alvan'diel was a city floating on the north eastern oceans of an unnamed world which will be referred to as Adar as a place holder. It was made from many beautiful materials like marble and many pretty gems of green and blue. It was mostly inhabited by Aldari elves, how ever foreigners where almost unheard of as it was a hidden place. It was the capital city of a non expansive empire which was also called Alvan’diel.

From memory it had a slight Greek flair to buildings but it was more like how you see the elves from Rivendell in lord of the rings act day by day. It was very much like some smashed Rivendell and Atlantis together to make one city. As for their day by day actions the elves of Alvan'diel where constantly busy with life and magic. As they constantly kept vigil over the magic that kept their home a float.

Now if you where to walk down the marble streets of the city you would see coral decorating the streets as if they where flowers, with sea water following in and out like a water feature. Nothing in Alvan'diel could be called ugly, from shrines, common home and temples where all beautiful. In fact if I recall correctly Alvan'diel is supposed to translate to "The Great Haven" or something of that affect.

There where specific area’s based on who and what was found there. One such place was the temple district. It had an almost ethereal looking fountain with a statue of the goddess of the moon and life adorning it, water was cascading her cupped palms into the fountain perhaps symbolizing that water is the blood of our people. Now just directly north across the square is a rather tall white/silver spire; it has a ramp arching up to meet the entrance with two sets of stairs spiraling under the ramp leading to another door. The ramp leads to the main part of the spire that cascades up to the heavens, it was referred as the spire of wishes or spire of moonlight. It is the goddess of the moon and life's temple.

Yet below following the steps beneath the ramp and beyond an onyx door leads to a sister temple beneath the spire. This temple is the opposite of the spire, where the goddess is the full moon and life, the god that is ever vigilant of this one is represented by the new moon and death. It is dark yet lit by faint candle light and somber requiem like hymns are often heard.